CS 461/561 Project Requirements
You need a link from the course projects area to a web page that serves as the home page for your project. At a minimum, the following should be present on your project home page:
- Your name(s).
- Your project name.
- Contact information: email address, email list, bug tracker etc.
- A description of your project (1-2 paragraphs, enough so that people know what it is, what it does, how it works.
- Legal
- Copyright notices on everything
- License information on everything
- A COPYING file containing copyright and license information
- User and/or developer docs sufficient to let end users work with the software and/or developers understand it. Recommended process: Write something minimal, then have someone else review it to find places where it is insufficient. Repeat as needed.
- Source code
- Link or directions to SCMS repo.
- Optionally a tarball containing a stable build. However, don't do this unless you can keep it in sync with the SCMS easily.
- Optionally binaries, but consistency with SCMS and platform make this a bad idea unless it's unlikely that your users could build the software. Good example is Android apps, for which you'll need a current .apk.
- Tags in the SCMS for "stable" commits.
- Build instructions
- Checkout and download insns
- Prerequisites for build
- Build instructions
- Installation instructions